News story

Record numbers using 'L&D strategy health check' in 2016

London, UKLearning NewsTowards Maturity

Record numbers of L&D leaders around the world have used the 2016 Towards Maturity Benchmark to review their strategy and pick up new ideas for modernising learning. So far, over 80% of them reported that the benchmarking process has provided them with new ideas to inspire action.

The deadline for using the 2016 Towards Maturity Benchmark been extended by two weeks, until 29 July 2016, in order to provide more opportunity for others looking to transform their learning strategies.

Early analysis of this year’s benchmark responses suggests that the goals and opportunities of modern learning teams are changing.

For the first time since the Benchmark was created in 2003, behavioural change has trumped cost reduction as a driver for using learning technology, with 95% of respondents wanting to use technology to improve organisational performance (up from 85% last year).

Furthermore, the majority of respondents (86%) now want to move away from ‘tick in the box’ experiences towards programmes that actually influence culture and behaviour (up from 78% last year).

Commenting on the deadline extension, Towards Maturity’s Founder and CEO Laura Overton, said: "We’ve had huge interest in the 2016 Benchmark and have received requests to extend the deadline - so we did. The findings so far, show us that L&D is more focused than ever on delivering impact and looking to technology to help. If you haven’t already done so, I would urge you to benchmark to see how your learning initiatives stack up."

The Towards Maturity Benchmark enables L&D professionals to review the goals and tactics of their current learning strategy against those of top learning organisations. Thousands of L&D professionals from around the globe have previously used the process to help build L&D and business performance. It is free to participate in and takes 60 minutes to complete first time around.

The Benchmark is the only diagnostic tool of its kind, providing a measure of how an organisation is performing against others. The process also enables learning professionals to reflect on five key issues that impact on designing and delivering a modernised learning strategy. These are:

  • Aligning learning to business need and delivering business-focused outcomes
  • Understanding the modern day learner as a ‘customer’
  • Supporting workplace performance and collaboration
  • Demonstrating value
  • Harnessing technology to deliver results

Respondents are reporting that this focus on impact is helping shape their future strategy. One user commented, "As a new L&D Manager for the organisation, the Benchmark gives me a real focus on priorities to achieve over the coming year."

Another L&D manager added: "Taking time out to reflect, benchmark and talk to liked-minded L&D experts is a must. L&D must develop greater business acumen to align with the needs of the changing and evolving world and workplaces that we are in."

The Benchmark gathers data from hundreds of L&D professionals every year, enabling Towards Maturity to identify the most effective L&D practices. Since the first study in 2003, the independent research company has analysed data from over 4,500 L&D professionals and 23,000 learners around the globe.

The Towards Maturity Benchmark is completely confidential and free to use until 29 July. All participants will receive a free 21-page Personalised Benchmark Report in September (valued at £300), thanks to the support of Towards Maturity’s Ambassadors.

Individuals can start benchmarking at



Notes to editors

Full details of early findings and the full report upon release in November can be accessed at:

Laura Overton is available for interview. Contact 0208 542 2331 or email if you would like to book a conference call.