News story

How can L&D help managers ‘learn to learn’?

London, UKLearning NewsTowards Maturity

New research from Towards Maturity and CrossKnowledge reveals that 91% of managers want to learn but only 61% have the time to do so.


In today’s fast paced working world, it is important for leaders to position learning as a strategic pillar, not an enabler.  

By looking at the success of high performing organisations we can begin to understand that managers need to be embedding learning into their day to day roles, and in effect creating a continuous learning culture. How can L&D teams help them do this?

It is reported that 25% of managers can’t find what they need and even when they do 37% are then put off by uninspiring content. L&D programmes must aim to develop the right skills at the right time, in ways that modern learners will relate to.  

L&D leaders want to avoid their efforts as being seen as ‘just another training programme’. To do this they need to be engaging with people at several touch points throughout their learning journey. This will not only enhance the learning journey but also impact the organisation's bottom line.

There is no denying that the digital world has had a massive impact on learning however it is important to remember the other ways in which leaders need to learn:

  • 60% of leaders identify that they want a blended approach when it comes to learning

  • 70% highlight that they find working with a mentor and coach the most useful learning method.

Unlocking the potential of leaders and managers is critical to the success of every high performing organisation. In order to thrive in this new world of work, more and more leaders will need to ‘learn how to learn’ and by making sure that leadership is everybody’s business within an organisation, L&D teams and leaders will be able to create blended learning solutions and in result increase performance.

Leslie Tedgui, Learning Specialist at CrossKnowledge and Jane Daly, Head of Strategic Insights at Towards Maturity share their thoughts on the latest report:

Making sure that leadership is everybody’s business in your organisation will increase performance. Our business environment and the way people learn are both changing at an unprecedented pace. This heightens the need to increase communication between L&D departments and the rest of the organisation, including business leaders and learners. Once they do this, they will be able to create fresh, innovative learning strategies for leaders of today and tomorrow.’
Leslie Tedgui, CrossKnowledge

Organisations need to work together with their leaders to create a culture of continuous learning and position learning as a strategic pillar of the business. This report has revealed some key areas L&D teams can focus on to support managers as they embed learning into their day-to-day and I’m excited to see the impact of these findings in today’s business environment.
Jane Daly, Towards Maturity

Download the report at:



Data for this report is drawn from:

  • 2000 leaders and managers and over 2500 non-managers. It has also been gathered from the Towards Maturity 2016 Benchmark™ research with over 700 L&D leaders, 200 e-enabling L&D leaders and 50 Top deck leaders, reported in Unlocking Potential (

  • The Towards Maturity Learning Landscape™ research, gathered online during 2016 from a sample of over 4,500 workers, and published in Learner Voice 3 (www.towardsmaturityorg/learnervoice)




About CrossKnowledge

CrossKnowledge is an engaging, forward-looking digital learning solution, driving business outcomes and the ability to transform individuals and entire organisations. We provide a customised, fully integrated learning solution and implement it at unmatched velocity.

CrossKnowledge’s learning solution is complete – bringing together our cutting-edge technology and world-class content into a blended environment. Only CrossKnowledge has the experience, agility, and foresight to help you build an innovative and more effective learning solution. CrossKnowledge, a Wiley brand, serves over 12 million users in 130 countries.

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