News story

Towards Maturity L&D Health Check extended

Learning NewsTowards Maturity

Due to a high volume of requests, Towards Maturity has extended its L&D Health Check until Tuesday 14th August 2018, providing additional time for participants to take their review.

96% of L&D Health Check respondents said that just by completing the 2018 Health Check review, they have gained new insights on how to get fit for the future.

“Whatever your starting point simply set aside 30 to 40 minutes to reflect on your L&D strategy,” encourages Laura Overton, CEO and Founder, Towards Maturity.

“Towards Maturity analyses where organisations are on their learning technology journey, by benchmarking strategic and learner intelligence with its insights on top-performing organisations, providing insights that deliver real impact.”

The 2018 Health Check, previously known as the Benchmark, is a comprehensive, independent review of how organisations establish successful learning strategies in the workplace. It helps L&D leaders to confidentially review their learning strategy, compare their approach with their competitors and establish their next priorities. 

Those who complete the review by 14th August 2018 will receive a personalised Health Check dashboard in September as well as immediate, bespoke feedback at the end of the Health Check on how they compare against the top 5 tactics that influence learning culture.

The Towards Maturity Health Check review may be completed via Towards Maturity’s website and is open to all those involved with organisational learning.

Further information is available from Towards maturity by email to All responses remain confidential to the participant and Towards Maturity – see Towards Maturity's confidentiality policy. The 2018 L&D Health Check, the personalised dashboard and the annual Health Check Report is free, thanks to the support of Towards Maturity’s Ambassadors.

More about the Towards Maturity Health Check is available online along with common FAQs