News from Epic

    • Epic opens its latest international office in New York

      Epic |

      Just one year after launching its first international office in Brazil, Epic is expanding to the United States. The new office in New York, NY will open on the 5th November, just days after Epic exhibits at DevLearn on the 31st October-2nd November.

    • Epic exhibit at Learning Technologies 2009

      Epic | Brighton, UK |

      Web 2.0: From one to many; push to pull; formal to informal

      Traditionally, e-learning has been about one head, one computer. It has been pushed out to users who require formal learning. But the explosion of Web 2.0 has created an opportunity for many heads to pull to¬gether in informal learning. So how can we maximise the potential of Web 2.0 to achieve effective learning?

    • Winners of most innovative new tool in e-learning

      Epic | UK |

      Epic and Diageo were amongst the elite few to win a 2008 e-learning award. Their people management 'Diagnostic Tool', developed in partnership, was recognised as the "Most innovative new product or tool in e-learning".

    • Buckle up for a flying start!

      Epic | Brighton |

      easyJet, Europe's leading low-fares airline, have partnered with blended learning specialists Epic to develop Buckle up! - a ground-breaking induction programme for all Cabin Crew new entrants. As a successful, expanding airline that offers great prospects for career progression and promotion, easyJet are now poised to offer new starters a unique blended learning experience for their CAA-regulated Cabin Crew induction.

    • UK's leading e-learning company Epic acquired by Andrew Brode

      Epic | Brighton, UK |

      Epic, the UK's market leading e-learning company, has been acquired by a private investor with extensive corporate and organisational learning and development interests. On 12 June 2008 Huveaux plc sold Brighton based Epic to Andrew Brode.

    • The Natural History Museum invests in e-learning with Epic

      Epic | UK |

      The Natural History Museum has recently commissioned Epic to produce bespoke e-learning for their 'Health and Safety' and 'Fire Safety' training to be rolled out to new starters within their first few weeks of employment. This is an exciting initiative, which will no doubt pave the way for others in the Museums and Galleries sector.

    • Epic announces new MD

      Epic | Brighton, UK |

      We are delighted to confirm the news that Jonathan Satchell has been appointed as the new Managing Director of Epic with effect from 26 November.

    • Epic and UNIAID win Gold, Silver and Bronze!

      Epic | Brighton, UK |

      Epic and UNIAID have been awarded a trio of prestigious prizes for their All About U e-learning programme, winning a regional National Training Award, a special mention from e-learning age and the runner-up prize from The World of Learning (WOLCE)

    • Epic and partners receive accolade at the national e-learning awards 2007

      Epic | UK |

      UNIAID was awarded the judges ‘Special Mention’ prize in the category for ‘The best e-learning programme securing widespread adoption'. This is for UNIAID’s online tools which help students prepare for and cope with the financial side of higher education; ‘All About U’, ‘Student Survivor’ and the ‘UNIAID Student Calculator’.

    • Epic's blended BTEC in Positive Behavioural Support

      Epic | UK |

      Epic, the leading e-learning company, and Bro Morgannwg NHS Trust have been working together to create a blended solution for their course in Positive Behavioural Support (PBS). The course is for support workers who provide care for people with learning disabilities and challenging behaviour. The course is accredited by BTEC at Advanced Certificate level.

    • Finance game reassures university students and wins National Training Award

      Epic | Brighton, UK |

      ‘Student Survivor’, an online game that provides key information about student finances, has been accessed by more than two million people since its launch in April 2005.

      Now it has earned the companies behind it a Regional National Training Award.

      The game, which explains bursaries, loans, grants and repayment thresholds, is aimed at encouraging more students from low-income backgrounds, who might otherwise be put off by fees and loans, to sign up for higher education.

    • Epic to deliver blended learning for County Durham PCT

      Epic | Brighton, UK |

      Epic are delighted to announce they have been awarded the contract by County Durham Primary Care Trust (PCT)to provide a package of workshops and e-learning opportunities to raise awareness of mental health issues in the workplace.

    • Finance game ends student grant fears

      Epic | Brighton |

      'Student Survivor', an online game that provides key information about student finances, has been accessed by more than two million people since its launch in April 2005. Now it has earned the companies behind it a place in the finals of the National Training Awards 2007. The game, which explains bursaries, loans, grants and repayment thresholds, is aimed at encouraging more students from low-income backgrounds, put off by fees and loans, to sign up for higher education.

    • Learning Pool and Epic provide e-learning for 12,500 councillors

      Epic | Brighton, UK |

      Today's Councillors are busy people. They probably have full time jobs and families to juggle, alongside their council duties. It's therefore no surprise that they find it difficult to attend traditional classroom based training sessions. So when do they get to hear about the latest policy initiatives or develop their existing leadership skills?

    • ESN and Epic team up for EU e-learning

      Epic | Brighton |

      The EU has actively promoted e-learning for nearly a decade, but the European Commission itself has so far made very little use of e-learning.

    • Epic partners with Adobe to drive the future of e-learning

      Epic | Brighton |

      Epic is pleased to announce a new partnership with Adobe Systems Europe Ltd. The partnership represents a coming together of two of the dominant players in European e-learning, with a shared vision for the future of technology-enabled learning and communications.

    • Epic launches new tool for accessible rapid e-learning

      Epic | Brighton |

      Epic, the leading e-learning and communications company, has announced the launch of a new rapid e-learning tool for release at the end of May 2007. Rapid Create is intended to enable everyone with basic Microsoft Word skills and some basic knowledge in instructional design to make effective, accessible, online courses.

    • Epic pledges more support for early adopters as e-learning reaches 3-4% of training provision

      Epic | Brighton |

      Epic, the UK's leading e-learning company, will shift the focus of the resources it offers through its well-regarded Thought Leadership Programme in response to greater maturity in the use of e-learning. According to a recent analysis of the market commissoned by Epic, e-learning now represents 3-4% of of private sector training provision in the UK, a statistic which confirms, in Epic's view, that e-learning is past the stage of 'Innovators' on the adoption bell curve and into 'Early Adopters'.

    • Ufi/learndirect extends tried and tested EpiCentre relationship

      Epic |

      For the third consecutive year Ufi Limited, the organisation behind the learndirect e-learning network, has awarded EpiCentre, Europe's leading testing facility for e-learning and localisation, a major contract for the Quality Assurance testing of their learning products and associated software.

    • Epic to produce more 'virtually fantabulous'

      Epic |

      Epic Group plc, the UK's leading e-learning company, has won a major contract in Round Three of the National Learning Network (NLN) Materials Development programme. Epic will develop 35 hours of e-learning materials in Social Studies, Physics and English Language for A-level and AS level on behalf of the NLN's target audience of close to six million learners in post-16 education across the UK.

    • Epic-designed kiosks help city's househunters

      Epic |

      The Government's drive to make public services available electronically takes a step forward in the City of Brighton & Hove today with the launch of a series of networked touch-screen kiosks designed by Epic Group plc, Europe's leading e-learning company.

    • Epic programme for Video Arts scoops e-learning Oscar.

      Epic |

      Epic's e-learning programme, produced for Video Arts, has scooped an industry 'Oscar' - the learndirect Award for Training at the British Interactive Multimedia Media Association (BIMA) Awards 2001.

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