News story

Bob Mosher Captivates Delegates at Training 2010

Coventry, UKLearning NewsLPI (Learning and Performance Institute)

The IITT Training 2010 conference and exhibition attracted a record number of delegates to London where Keynote speaker Bob Mosher proved to be the talk of the town.

Well over 200 delegates from the Learning and Development industry attended the two day conference held at the 5-star London Marriott on 7th and 8th September.

The event included a variety of workshops and sessions expertly delivered by leading figures from across the industry including Paul Jagger at IBM Learning Europe, Nick Shackleton-Jones at BBC Learning & Development and Clive Shepherd, Chair of the E-Learning Network.

One of the highlights from this year’s conference was Bob Mosher’s Keynote address on ‘Delivering excellence in performance and learning’. As Global Chief of Learning Strategy and Evangelism at LearningGuide Solutions and Ex-Director of Learning Strategy and Evangelism at Microsoft Corporation, Bob’s wealth of experience and expertise captivated delegates with many attendees reflecting on Bob’s words long after the conference had finished.

Clarita Pymm, Training Manager, Boots UK is already looking forward to next year’s event. She said; “My team and I thoroughly enjoyed this year’s conference. Every presentation was interesting and thought provoking. We enjoyed networking with industry peers and hearing their views on the industry and working practices. I would recommend the conference to trainers and look forward to Training 2011.”

The IITT also took the opportunity to unveil the results of its member consultation survey. IITT Chairman, Donald Taylor announced the key findings of the consultation which showed a clear shift in the Institute’s member demographic. The results show that the IITT is no longer considered to be a membership body specific to IT trainers and suggest that the Institute has grown to represent a much wider L&D population.

This comes as no surprise to IITT, Chief Executive, Colin Steed. He said; “In all honesty the IITT has been representing the L&D profession for a few years now. It’s true that we started life as an institute for IT Trainers but our success in raising standards in IT training was always going to cross-over into a broader Learning and Development environment. New offerings such as our Trainer Performance Monitoring & Assessment service and PTLLS courses have nothing to do with IT specifically.
“For me, the results of the member consultation reinforce the message that the IITT is the Institute for all Learning and Development professionals.”