News story

Training Professionals set to Embrace Online Learning Tools Throughout 2011

Coventry, UKLearning NewsLPI (Learning and Performance Institute)

Research from the IITT, the UK’s leading Learning & Development Institute suggests training professionals will invest more in online learning tools such as Webinars, online meetings and e-learning throughout 2011.

A survey of over 2,500 Training managers, HR managers and Learning and Development professionals conducted by the IITT in July 2010 found that over 60% of respondents intended to use web conferencing systems more over the next 12 months, with 36% expecting to maintain their current usage levels.

Colin Steed, Chief Executive, IITT, said: “The findings of our survey are an encouraging sign for the industry and I’m sure there are a number of contributing factors. The economic climate will have certainly forced a few people’s hands into adopting the live online route as a way to cut costs.

“However for me, the major factor in the uptake of collaborative technologies is the realisation that you can hold live online meetings irrespective of the location of the people. There is now no longer any need for organisations to incur travel and accommodation costs. Live online meetings can be held at the click of a button. At the IITT we are making tremendous use of it for collaborative meetings as well as webinars and learning events.”

Steed believes that successful adopters of the technology are now focusing more on breaking down cultural barriers to live online events. He said: “Organisations are beginning to realise that in order to generate a return on investment you need a product champion. Having someone to “hand hold” employees through the process is the only way to gain the highest adoption rates and generate the greatest value for the organisation.

“With this in mind the IITT has recently developed a Certified Online Learning Facilitator certification programme. It is designed to equip delegates with the skills needed to maximise the engagement of remote participants, develop and produce engaging and interactive online content, and provide the techniques necessary for engaging learning events, webinars and meetings.”

A copy of the survey is available exclusively to IITT members. For further information contact the Institute on telephone: 0845 006 8858.

For further information on the Certified Online Learning Facilitator programme e-mail: or telephone: 0845 006 8858.