News story

Seminar: Think like a charity to ensure L&D success

Learning NewsCorporate eLearning Consortium

Martin Baker will be talking about the valuable lessons that corporates can learn from charities, when he introduces a case study presentation about eLearning in The National Autistic Society, at Learning Technologies on 25 January, London. Martin has been so impressed by the collaborative approach of The Charity Learning Consortium, which he founded and heads, that he’s launching an eLearning consortium for corporate organisations at the show.

In the past, charities looked longingly at corporate big budgets for learning & development - in the current global economic climate, it's corporates that can learn valuable lessons from the inspirational work being done in L&D in the Third Sector.

The National Autistic Society (NAS), for example, found a way to engage eLearning facilitators, provide crucial support and pave the way for eLearning success....all on a limited budget.

Find out how, in a case study presentation on Wednesday 25 January at Learning Technologies with Martin Baker and Debbie Barker-Runiewicz.

Debbie is responsible for health and safety L&D at NAS, the UK's leading charity for people affected by autism. Martin is the CEO of The Charity Learning Consortium and MD of newly formed The Corporate eLearning Consortium - which is bringing organisations together to save money, share resources and collaborate to achieve eLearning success. The Corporate eLearning Consortium is being launched at stand number 31 at the show.

The presentation is complimentary and takes place at 11.45 in theatre 4 of the Learning Technologies exhibition.

A case study of eLearning at The National Autistic Society, written by the independent learning technologies benchmarking organisation Towards Maturity, will also be made available to those attending this seminar.

About Martin Baker:

Martin Baker has been involved in eLearning for more than 20 years and is passionate about the benefits of collaborative working. He is the founder and CEO of The Charity Learning Consortium - the largest group of UK based charities collaborating to make eLearning affordable. He is also the MD of the newly formed Corporate eLearning Consortium - bringing the benefits of collaborative working to the corporate world. Martin is regarded as being one of the top ten most influential people in eLearning in the UK and works to raise the profile of the industry, regularly contributing to publications and presenting at conferences. He is a founding ambassador to the highly regarded learning technologies benchmarking organisation Towards Maturity, is an ambassador for LINGOs and sits on the eLearning Network board.

What you need to know:

Seminar: What Corporates can learn from charity L&D

Time: 11:45 - 12:15

Date: Wednesday 25th January

Where: Theatre 4, Learning Technologies, Olympia London

Cost: Free!

Note to editors: Unable to make the seminar, but would like to find out more about eLearning at The National Autistic Society, The Charity Learning Consortium or newly formed The Corporate eLearning Consortium, then please get in touch email: