News story

Chatbots and the learning experience

NEC, Birmingham, UKLearning News

Fosway’s David Perring talks about the next big shift in learning and development.

David Perring, Director of Research, Fosway Group, talking to Learning News about innovation strategy in learning technology
David Perring, Director of Research, Fosway Group, talking to Learning News about innovation strategy in learning technology 

At World of Learning in October, Learning News caught up with the Director of Research at Fosway Group, David Perring, to ask him about his conference session on innovation in digital learning technology.

David spoke about how many in L&D are orienting their energy towards the whole learning experience and how - along with the technology - design, data, trust and innovation strategy are needed to build stronger learning cultures.

With AI and chatbots again featuring heaving heavily at the conference, David Perring explained how we are likely to see more use of chatbots in coaching and as an interface into continuous learning.


Fosway Group is Europe’s #1 HR Analyst focused on Next Gen HR, Talent and Learning. Founded in 1996, we are known for our unique European research, our independence and our integrity. And just like the Roman road we draw our name from, you’ll find that we’re unusually direct. We don’t have a vested interest in your supplier or consulting choices. So, whether you’re looking for independent research, specific advice or a critical friend to cut through the market hype, we can tell you what you need to know to succeed.

World of Learning took place at the NEC, Birmingham, 16-17 October and has been running annualy for over 20 years. The event, comprising a thought leadership conference and an exhibition of over 100 learning providers, is organised for learning and development and HR prossionals by Venture Marketing. Further information about the event including details of how to get involved in the 2019 event is available from Sophie Barnes: