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Using behavioural science to design an effective wellbeing strategy

Warwick Business SchoolLearning News

Research has found that happy workers and satisfied employees are more productive, improving business performance and future profits. Warwick Business School is launching a new course to help company executives design and implement a wellbeing strategy.


The Creating Value through Workplace Wellbeing course uses evidence and insights from behavioural science over two days at either WBS London at The Shard or the school’s Warwick campus, with face-to-face lectures from academics researching the area, guest talks from industry implementing a wellbeing strategy, and group work.

Course Director Redzo Mujcic, Assistant Professor of Behavioural Science, said: “The pandemic has been followed by the ‘great resignation’ where employees have reassessed their work-life balance, with many deciding the pressure of work has become too much.

“It is not only an ethical imperative for companies to look after their staff, but a point of differentiation that will help them attract and retain talent. Wellbeing will be a new measure of progress for organisations and by using evidence from behavioural science we can help participants design a strategy that is robust and effective.

“This course will enable companies to implement an evidence-based wellbeing strategy appropriate for their context. We will not only give participants the latest research, but practical insight that they can apply at their organisation.”

The pandemic has not only changed employee attitudes but employers as well, with the Chartered Institute for Personal Development (CIPD) finding it has seen 81 per cent of organisations increase their focus on employees’ mental health and 72 per cent provide new or better support for people working from home.

Hybrid working also presents new wellbeing issues for organisations as employees spend more time isolated at home. Indeed, the CIPD’s 2022 report discovered that working when ill (presenteeism) is even higher for those working from home – 81 per cent – versus 65 per cent among those in a workplace.

Dr Mujcic added: “Organisations will often say their biggest asset, and what sets them apart, is their people and yet many are reluctant to invest in their wellbeing. That attitude is changing, and the pandemic has accelerated it.

“Looking after the mental and physical wellbeing of staff is essential if they are to show their full potential. Just the saving in the reduction of sickness absences will be worth the investment alone. But helping employees with the mental side of work will also make them happier and more productive.”

How to develop a wellbeing strategy

Over two days participants on the new executive education course will learn how to measure employee feelings, discover the policies that will improve wellbeing, gain skills in being able to evaluate scientific evidence, and run experiments.

Academics will explain the key economic and social components that make up human wellbeing, and explore the ideal job and workplace.

The scientific evidence of how wellbeing and job satisfaction affects productivity and business performance will also be examined, along with practical steps on developing a wellbeing strategy.

“This course will give company managers and executives the tools to build a sustainable wellbeing strategy and the confidence to experiment with new findings,” said Dr Mujcic. “And we will find how experts in industry are doing it now, bringing participants practical insights from the ground.

“Wellbeing is a fast-developing area for organisations and this course will help senior managers and leaders get ahead of the curve.”

Warwick Business School 

At Warwick Business School (WBS) we are a hub of curiosity that is constantly challenging the status quo and championing business as a power for good. We welcome students, faculty, staff and corporate partners who embody our Change Maker values, and have a passionate drive to make a positive difference in the world of business and beyond.

Our Executive Education programmes combine world-class teaching and industry expertise, to provide organisations and individuals with the tools they need to achieve their goals. We offer open programmes which provide individuals with the skills needed to take that next step in business performance, as well as customised programmes to help organisations develop their staff and organisational capabilities.

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Lauren Millett
Marketing Officer, Warwick Business School