News story

Workers impacted by anxiety and imposter syndrome

Learning News

A study of 1,000 workers in the US has found the majority of employees are impacted by work anxiety and imposter syndrome, but can be improved by leaders listening and learning.


Continuous listening by employers, consistent learning opportunities and frequent check-ins with supervisors are even more important than some organizations may realize, particularly for employees plagued with self-doubt or anxiety. In isolved's second-annual "Voice of the Workforce" survey, 50 percent of respondents admitted to getting the "Sunday Scaries" before returning to work after time off while another 40 percent indicated they struggle with "Imposter Syndrome".

isolved's survey of over 1,000 employees in the United States found several ways to help employees with balancing career and confidence. Fifty-two percent of the full-time employees surveyed, for example, said the top way their employer can help reduce symptoms of Imposter Syndrome is by meeting with their supervisors regularly while 38 percent said their employers can improve their wellbeing with resources to minimize burnout.

"Unchecked, Imposter Syndrome and work-induced anxiety can lead to greater employee disengagement, productivity and profit loss and turnover," said Amy Mosher, Chief People Officer at isolved. "Inner conflict – does my employer care about me, am I making the right career decisions, can I balance life and work– is a top reason for workforce-changing trends like quiet quitting. Employees need support through continuous listening, for example via pulse surveys, constant learning opportunities and meaningful connections with their managers including regular check-ins, to be committed and confident. With our own nearly 2,000 employees, isolved wholly supports surveys as well as 'engagement check-ins' to simply listen, while our constant learning programs uncover the best education paths for individuals and bring out the best in leaders."

The survey further uncovered that learning opportunities is what keeps employees most engaged, followed by team meetings. Unfortunately for many companies, there's a learning gap which could impact employee retention and ultimately revenue. Over a third (36 percent) of respondents feel not having a learning management system, for example, for self-paced learning and career development is holding them back.

Link to the full news announcement from isolved.

More information is avaialble from Amberly Dressler,