News story

KWC Global launches bold rebrand at Learning Live

Learning Live, LondonLearning News

KWC Global - formerly Kissing With Confidence launched its new name, logo, and rebrand at Learning Live on 14th September. Having recently moved from purely in-person training to a hybrid approach, the new brand and name represents its new global approach.


KWC Global - formerly Kissing With Confidence - launched its bold new rebrand, reflecting the modern learning and development landscape, on 13th September at Learning Live.

The business was formed in 1999 and has become the L&D partner of choice for many of the world’s top companies, including 6 of the top 10 global law firms, and 3 of the top 4 global management consultancy firms.

Following a business transformation from delivering purely in-person to a hybrid approach, KWC Global now provides their unique training “anytime, anyplace, anywhere”.

As they embraced this modern take on learning and development, a global expansion strategy emerged. It includes:

  • A premium version of their flagship business development programme, Rainmaker
  • A stronger focus on a digital proposition and live virtual learning
  • The launch of a training academy to train new facilitators and inspire business development professionals

And with this expansion strategy came the need for a name and a brand that reflected their global nature.

The name Kissing With Confidence hasn’t gone away, but the change to KWC Global represents the maturing of the business while still staying true to their roots.

Alongside the name change comes a new logo and colours that represent the three pillars of KWC Global’s training; business development, compelling storytelling and building high performing teams.

KWC Global’s Co-Founder and Managing Director Sharon McLellan said: “Moving from training in-the-room to anytime, anyplace, anywhere has been an exciting move for KWC Global. Our business has always been focused on providing the best learning and development opportunities for delegates and it’s fantastic that our brand now represents the modern, global approach we’re focused on.

To launch this rebrand at an event like Learning Live, getting real-time feedback from our clients and prospects was a fantastic opportunity - thank you to everyone who dropped by the stand, spoke to our team and entered our competition.”

Business Development Manager, Matt Wardrop said: “Learning Live was the perfect platform for us to launch our new brand. We had so many interesting and engaging conversations over the two days and budding new relationships with learning professionals. Looking forward to collaborating with them to invigorate their teams and help them grow."

More from KWC Global

Matt Wardrop,
